I have updated the website again to make it easier to navigate and look better. I returned to Jekyll after switching to Hugo and used the Type-on-Strap theme to revamp the website. In my opinion, I find that Jekyll has better looking themes than Hugo. However, Hugo is a lot simpler and it took longer to set up the Jekyll site. Both use markdown to edit posts so it was fairly simple to move the old posts to the new site. The most time consuming aspect was changing how the images were imported because of the different folder structures. I did have some trouble with the audio embed from the previous post and had to rework how I embedded that. I also took the opportunity to improved some of the previous posts and redesigned my logo. I also had the time to revamp the portfolio section and create some quick designs for each of my projects. In the future I want to expand on the descriptions provided, however, I don’t know how to do this without making the blog section redundant. With the full website redesign, I took the time to create a simple graphic for the front page using krita and establish a color palete for the rest of the website. This may be subject to change. I hope this is the last time I have to completely redesign the website, however, I do plan on refining some elements.