I have converted my Random Forest Algorithm into an iOS app using CoreML. I used the random forest model and not the autocorrelation model because since I used sklearn to create the random forest model it was far easier to convert it to the format required for the app. I followed Brian Advent’s LinkedIn course, iOS App Development: Core ML, to convert my model. I also followed Matt Mathias’ tutorial. Using both of the courses it was still fairly difficult to build the app. I was forced to restart Xcode multiple time because of the numerous bugs that I ran into. Many times the app failed to run and when I searched the error I could not find any solutions that didn’t require me to go into the files of the application. Eventually, I got lucky and the app ran without any other problems. I still don’t know what caused the initial errors. This was my first programming in Swift and was difficult at first. Due to the fact that I had to teach myself Swift from the ground up, the code is very convoluted and it took me far longer than it should have. In the end I was able to make a fully functioning app that predicted the weather in Memphis. I have contemplated revamping the visuals of the app but I think I need to move on from this project.

A screenshot of the app:
